Editor’s Letter: February

Editor’s Letter: February

The month of February will see the world warming up to 2022 and holding on to the resolutions it made for the year. Some of you have promised yourselves to devote time to alternative passions by becoming active in the subjects of the arts. Mira El-Khalil House of Art can help you kick-start your journey in getting involved, in education, and in participation. Our purpose is to spread knowledge about the art market and introduce emerging talents for you to get involved with. So for the month of February, we invite you to explore the highly researched writings of our guest writers and house specialist. Remembering Gibran Khalil Gibran for the month of Limerence, we present you with his painting and thought, studied for his perspectives on Love. In the category of emerging artists, we welcome you to explore several talents between Europe and the Gulf. In architecture, we are standing out of Samara in Iraq. And as the most recent addition to The Dealership on Mira El-Khalil House of Art, we present to you a spotlight writing on the ever so loved Darwish and work of Lebanese painter Raouf Rifai.


 © The Way We Were. Mira T. El Khalil. iPhone photograph and digital design II 2010.

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